14 March 2014

Basic Linux MCQ Questions for Beginners (Linux Processes) - Set 6

This is set 6 in the ongoing series of MCQ. Hope you have enjoyed the other parts of the series. In this set we will cover questions related to Linux processes as processes are fundamental part of the Linux system. So lets get started 1What is ppid(parent process id) of daemon process in Linux ? any arbitrary number 1 AnswerOption B is correct, As daemon process are initiated by init process(Pid is 1). You can see all your system daemon...

07 March 2014

Starting with Django in Ubuntu - Installation

Hi Guys, Today we are going to setup our Ubuntu system for Django Development, as you all know that Django is a free and open source web application framework, written in Python, which follows the model–view–controller architectural pattern. Django's installation is somewhat tricky for beginners as it required many things to take care of. Don't worry, In this post I will cover each and every thing that required for Django installation...

17 January 2014

Google Chrome 32 Released with Supervised users , Noisy Tab detection and better Malware Protection feature! Install it Ubuntu/Linux Mint

Google-chrome is a cross-platform web-browser which runs on any platform whether it is mac , linux or windows. The main reason for the popularity of google-chrome is that it runs web-page and application with lightning speed . Recently Google has announced the release of Google Chrome 32, its latest stable version for Linux , Mac and Windows. Google Chrome 32 comes with some new feature and fixes some of the features included like supervised...

12 January 2014

Shell Script to print Pyramid of Numbers

Q. How do I print pyramid of numbers in Bash Ans. Before writing bash script lets understand how we going to print this pattern. We do it in two part, first we are going to print part 1 and then we print the part 2. As you can notice from above figure that, in 2nd part we are printing number in reverse order till 1. #!/bin/bash #Taking input read -p "Enter Number:" number #Outer loop for printing number of rows in pyramid for((row=1;row<=number;row++)) do ...

05 January 2014

Basic Linux MCQ Questions for Beginners- Set 5

This is set 5 in the ongoing series of MCQ. Hope you have enjoyed the other parts of the series. In this set also, I will cover some more basic Linux questions and their answer. Hope you will like it. 1Which of the following commands are used to display last 10 line of the file? tail filename tail -10 filename Both A and B Only B AnswerOption C is correct, By defualt tail command displays last 10 lines of a file, So command A and...

22 October 2013

How to install Xdebug with Sublime Text in Ubuntu 12.04

Xdebug is a PHP extension for powerful debugging. It supports stack and function traces, profiling information and memory allocation and script execution analysis. Xdebug provide following functionality like function name, file name and line indications, support for member functions, full parameter display for user defined functions etc for PHP developers which help them to debug their code easily and quickly. Installing Xdebug with...

02 August 2013

Shell Script to print pyramid of Stars

Q. How do I print pyramid of stars using function in Bash Ans. Before writing bash script lets understand how we going to print this pattern. We do it in two part, first we are going to print part 1 and then we print the part 2. #!/bin/bash makePyramid() { #Here $1 is the parameter you passed with the function i,e 5 n=$1; #outer loop is for printing number of rows in the pyramid for((i=1;i<=n;i++)) do #This loop...