04 February 2012

Arithmetic Operators in Shell Script

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Here are Some Arithmetic Operators Used in Shell Script.

+ Add two Numbers
- Subtract two Numbers
* Multiply two Numbers
/ Division
% Modulus
= Assignment



echo -e "value of a is $a\n"

echo -e "assigning value of a to b\n"
echo -e "value of b is $b\n"

echo -e "adding two number\n"
echo `expr $a + $b`
echo " "

echo -e "subtracting two number\n"
echo `expr $a - $b`
echo " "

echo -e "multiplying two numbers\n"
echo `expr $a \* $b`
echo " "

echo -e "dividing two numbers\n"
echo `expr $a / $b`
echo " "

echo -e "modulus of two number"
echo `expr $a % $b`

Note: There should be no space when using Assignment operator.
Note: * is a wild card , therefore we have to suppress it using \ , other wise it will display error message.


That's it.
Enjoy :)

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