22 February 2013

Google Chrome 25 Stable is Out! install it in Ubuntu/Linux Mint


Google-chrome is a cross-platform web-browser which runs on any platform whether it is mac , linux or windows. The main reason for the popularity of google-chrome is that it runs web-page and application with lightning speed .

On 21 Feb, 2013 Google has announced the release of Google Chrome 25, its latest stable version for Linux , Mac and Windows. Google Chrome 25 comes with minor improvements over its predecessor like Better Support for HTML5 date/time input, Java-Script Web Speech API support etc.

New in Google Chrome 25

  • Improvements in managing and securing your extensions
  • Better support for HTML5 time/date inputs
  • JavaScript Web Speech API support
  • Better WebGL error handling
  • And lots of other features for developers

For more information you can see the Complete Changelog

To install Google Chrome 25 in Ubuntu 12.04/12.10 and Linux Mint 13/14, run the following commands in terminal

Step 1. First download and install the key from Google Linux Repository.

$ wget -q -O - https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | sudo apt-key add -

Step 2. Add key to the Repository

$ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list'

Step 3. Update sources.list

$ sudo apt-get update

Step 4. Install Google Chrome 25

$ sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable

Install Google Chrome Beta

$ sudo apt-get install google-chrome-beta

Note: If you get any dependency error like one below

google-chrome-stable depends on libxss1

then type the following command and repeat from step 3.

$ sudo apt-get -f install

To know the Version of Google Chrome, run the command written below

$ google-chrome --version
Google Chrome 25.0.1364.97

install google chrome 25 in Ubuntu/Linux Mint

That's it.You have successfully installed Google Chrome 25.
Enjoy :)

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